Radial Arm Saw Vs Miter Saw: What's The Difference?

Radial arm saws are a type power saw that cuts wood by dragging the blade onto the workpiece.

A miter saw is a power tool that can be used to accurately crosscut and make miters in lumber and other materials.

A quality miter saw is essential if you want precision in crosscuts or miters. Radial arm saws can be used for rough cutting but are not as precise as miter saws.

Which One Is Better?

There are only a few tools that are essential for woodworking. Radial arm saws and mitersaws are just two of these.

Let’s take a look at each tool and help you choose the right one for you.

Keep checking back for more information about each saw, so let’s take a closer look.

Radial Arm Saw

What’s It All About?

Radial arm saws are powerful tools that cut wood by dragging the blade onto the workpiece. Although it is a type or miter saw, it is not as precise as one.

What Does It Mean?

Instead of being fixed to a stand, the radial saw is mounted on an adjustable arm that can be moved in any direction. It is easy to cut large sections of wood but can be difficult to achieve the desired cuts.

Is This For You?

Radial arm saws are ideal for those who do a lot in rough cutting, or need to cut large sections of wood. However, it is not as precise as a mitersaw.

Base Size:

Radial arm saws can have a different base size, but it is usually 46 cm by 61cm.

Blade Size

A radial arm saw’s blade size can vary but it is usually 25 cm.


Radial arm saws typically have a motor of between 1 and 5 HP.

Plunge Cuts:

Radial arm saws are capable of making plunge cuts. This is when the blade is dropped into the workpiece from the top. This allows you to cut through thicker materials than the blade.

Curved Cuts

Radial arm saws are also capable of making curved cuts. This is useful for cutting curved wood pieces.

Cutting Angles:

Radial arm saws are able to be used at any angle between 0° and 90°.

Capacity For Cutting:

Radial arm saws have a cutting capacity that can vary but is usually between 30 and 20 cm.


Radial arm saws can produce a lot dust because the blade is pulled onto the workpiece. If you don’t have a dust mask, this can cause problems.

Safety Features

A few safety features are important to note about radial arm saws. They have an adjustable guard to protect your hands from the blade. The blade can also be stopped quickly by the built-in brake when it is turned off.

A high-quality radial saw can be purchased for as little as to


  • Radial arm saws work great for rough cutting
  • They are able to easily cut through large wood pieces
  • The blades are equipped with a brake built in that stops it from turning off quickly.


  • They are not as precise as miter saws.
  • They can produce a lot of dust.
  • They are not as common as miter saws, so they may be more difficult to find.

Miter Saw

What’s It All About?

Miter saws are powerful tools that can be used to accurately crosscut and make miters in lumber and other materials. It is an essential tool for woodworking.

What Does It Mean?

The miter saw is mounted on an adjustable stand and tilted at an angle to cut through the material.

Is This For You?

A miter saw is the best tool if you are looking for precise crosscuts or miters.

Base Size:

Although the base size of a mitersaw can vary, it is usually approximately 25 cm by 30 cm.

Blade Size:

A miter saw’s blade size can vary but it is usually 25 cm.


The majority of miter saws run between 5 and 15 horsepower.

Plunge Cuts:

Plunge cuts can be made with miter saws. This is when the blade is dropped into the workpiece from the top. This allows you to cut through thicker materials than the blade.

Curved Cuts

The miter saw can also make curved cuts which are useful for cutting curved wood pieces.

Cutting Angles:

Miter saws are versatile tools for woodworking because they can be used to cut at many angles.

Capacity For Cutting:

Materials up to 20cm wide can be cut by miter saws.


You will need a dust collector or vacuum to clean your miter saws.

Safety Features

To prevent injury, miter saws have many safety features such as blade guards or anti-kickback claws.

Prices for miter saws start at around


Miter saws can be used to complete a wide range of woodworking projects. They are very precise and versatile.


If not used correctly, miter saws can prove dangerous. It is important to carefully read safety instructions before you use one.

You will also need a dust collector or vacuum to clean your workspace.

What Saw Should You Purchase?

Each tool has its pros and cons. It all depends on the purpose of your use. A miter saw is best if you are looking to make precise crosscuts or miters. Radial arm saws are better if you have to cut through thicker materials than the blade.

Radial arm saws are unable to make curved cuts. Miter saws, however, can do curved cuts. Radial arm saws are able to be adjusted to cut at different angles. This makes them versatile tools for woodworking. Miter saws cannot be set at fixed angles. Radial arm saws are better if you value versatility. If accuracy is important, however, a mitersaw is a better choice.


What Saw Is The Best For DIYers?

A miter saw is an excellent choice for DIYers because it is precise and versatile.

Are Miter Saws Dangerous?

If not used correctly, miter saws could be dangerous. Before using a miter saw, it is important to carefully read the safety instructions.

Do I Require A Stand To Hold A Miter Saw In A Miter Saw?

Most miter saws are equipped with a stand.

Which Saw Works Best For Professionals?

Professionals will find a radial armsaw to be more useful than a mitersaw.

What Saw Do You Prefer?

A miter saw is my preferred choice because it’s more precise than a radial-arm saw. It is also safer and produces less dust.


We explained how a radial-arm saw differs from a mitersaw. We discussed the pros and cons of each saw, and when it is best to use them.

You can make the best choice for you if you are familiar with the differences between the two types of saws.