How To Cut Granite With A Circular Saw

You will likely need to cut granite if you are a woodworker. Although granite is not a very common material to work with it can still be achieved with the right tools. A circular saw is an excellent choice if you need to cut granite in a difficult way.

You can quickly and easily complete the task with the right tool and technique. This blog will show you how to use a circular saw to cut granite. This is a guideline only. Before you start any project, make sure to consult your stone supplier. Lets get started!

Is It Possible To Cut Granite Using A Circular Saw?

Although it is possible to cut granite using a circular saw, it is difficult. You will need to water the saw often to cool it down as the blade can heat quickly. The granite may chip or fracture making it difficult and slow to cut. An alternative is to use a diamond knife designed for cutting granite.

How To Cut Granite Countertops: What You Need To Know

Before you start cutting granite countertops, here are some things to keep in mind. You will need the right tools. A diamond blade is required for cutting granite. You should ensure that the blade you purchase is in perfect condition and the right size for your saw.

You will also need to drink plenty of water in order to cool the saw. Granite will crack and chip as you cut it. This can make the process slow and frustrating. Be patient and careful not to cause damage to the countertop surface.

How To Cut Granite With A Circular Saw: Step By Step!

Step 1 :

The Job Site. You must first mark your job site in order to cut granite using a circular saw. You can mark a line with chalk or paint where you want granite to be cut. This will keep everything straight and clean.

Step 2

Create a V-Groove. Use a 3/81cm diamond coated cutter at high speeds to create a V-Groove along the line you have marked in the previous step. This guide will be very useful when you cut the granite using a circular saw.

Step 3 :

Get started cutting! Start cutting! Start at one end and work your way to the other.

Step 4 :

Clean up the edges. After you are done cutting, use a chipbrush to clean the edges of granite and remove any dust.


Cutting granite with a circular saw

How To Cut Granite With A Circular Saw

When using a circular saw to cut granite, it is important to remember safety. These are some tips to remember while you’re working.

Check Your Blade Before You Use:

Make sure to inspect your blade before cutting granite! A dull blade is more likely than a dull one to break while cutting granite.

High Speed Use On Your Cutter:

When using your diamond-coated cutter to cut, be sure it is on high speed. This will allow you to cut faster and produce cleaner cuts.

Start Slow Before Getting Into A Rhythm:

Slow down when making the first two to three passes on granite. This will prevent you from damaging the granite and keep your blade from overheating.

Have A Water Source Near You:

It is a good idea to keep a water source close by when cutting granite. This helps keep dust down and cools your saw blade. You should always pick up any granite chips that you cut with a chip brush.


Is It Possible To Cut Granite Using A Circular Saw?

Yes, but not all circular saws are capable.

What Is The Best Alternative To A Dry/wet Vacuum Cleaner?

To see clearly what you are doing, you could use a dust mask. You can also blow your cuts with compressed air, or another lawn mower, if this is not an option. If you must do this, make sure the ventilation is good in your room. Too much granite dust can cause lung damage.

What Should I Do If I Strike A Pipe Or Wire During The Cutting?

Use a dry/wet vacuum to disconnect it immediately. Follow proper ventilation guidelines to protect your lungs. For more information about the pressure limit for compressed air, consult your owner’s manual. You should ensure that you mark all electrical lines so that you don’t accidentally cut them while you work.

Conclusion :